12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS COOKIES: DAY 9 – Bourbon Maple Pecan Shortbread


DAY 1 – Gingersnap Cookies

DAY 2 – Buckeyes

DAY 3 – Cinnamon Roll Cookies

DAY 4 – Lemon Crinkle Cookies

DAY 5 – Pistachio & Dark Chocolate Biscotti

DAY 6 – Salted Chocolate Chip Cookies

DAY 7 – Almond Brittle

DAY 8 – Tea Cookies

I love Trader Joe’s for many reasons, but specifically for their bourbon barrel-aged maple syrup. It’s seasonal and I wait on tenterhooks all year for those beautiful bottles to show up on their shelves. August turns into September, September turns into October, and October 1st I’m making a mad dash to TJ’s…praying that this isn’t the year they decide to stop selling it (*sobbing over the frozen beer-battered onion rings*…I didn’t even get to say goodbye!) I grab my cart, run to the cereal aisle (holding my breath), and let out a sigh of relief when I see that heavenly nectar gleaming oh-so-beautifully before me. I buy six or seven bottles and drive home a happy camper.

“It’s just maple syrup, get a hold of yourself!”

That’s what you might be thinking, but you’d be wrong. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill maple syrup; this is organic, Vermont maple syrup that’s been aged in bourbon barrels! Some genius soul thought to take barrels previously used to age bourbon and use them to age maple syrup. All that leftover rich bourbon flavor seeps out of the wood and into the syrup to create the most amazing blend of flavor I’ve ever experienced. 

I discovered this maple syrup four years ago and, thankfully, it’s returned every year since (*knock on wood!*). I put it on and in everything! I use it in my Christmas ham glaze, on the holy breakfast trinity—pancakes, waffles, and French toast—and even in my coffee. We basically go “Canadian” from October-February. If it ain’t movin’, douse it in maple syrup!

Now that I’ve bared my soul, and confessed my addiction, you can fully understand why these bourbon maple shortbread cookies are MY LIFE this time of year. Shortbread, already heavenly in design, is made superior by adding my trusty bourbon barrel-aged maple syrup.

These cookies aren’t meant to be elaborately decorated, in fact, you’d be taking away from the cookie if you iced it or dipped it in chocolate. These plain-Jane cookies may look humble and simple, but the flavors are anything but! Trust me on this one.

This year I added pecans…because “Bourbon” screams “Southern” to me and what’s more Southern than bourbon and pecans?! The pecans just added another level I didn’t know could be reached.

SIDE NOTE: I’m not selling this maple syrup…although it sounds like I’ve bought shares in it or something. I’m just a fan!

RUN, don’t walk, to your nearest Trader Joe’s and grab a bottle (or two) of their bourbon barrel-aged maple syrup and bake a batch of these beauties. If you’re a dunker, bake the full time so they hold up in your tea/coffee. If you’re like me and prefer ooey gooey goodness, shoot for the 12-15 minute bake time.


1 ¼ cake flour

¼ cup cornstarch

¼ tsp salt

½ cup butter, softened

2 Tbsp brown sugar

¼ cup Bourbon Barrel Aged Maple Syrup

¼ tsp bourbon

¼ cup pecans, chopped

How to:

In a small bowl combine flour, cornstarch, and salt. Set aside.

In the bowl of your stand mixer, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. With the mixer running, slowly add the maple syrup and bourbon. Beat until incorporated.

Add the flour mixture and beat until just combined (do not overmix). Fold in the pecans.

Turn the dough out onto a piece of plastic-wrap, shape into a disk, wrap completely in plastic-wrap and chill in the refrigerator for about 15-20 minutes.

Roll out dough on a lightly powdered sugar-dusted surface with a powdered sugar-dusted rolling pin. Roll dough to approximately ¼-inch thickness. Cup into rounds (or any shape you prefer) and place on parchment lined baking sheet.

Chill again for 30 minutes. This step is crucial if you want the cookies to hold their shape while baking. Not such a big deal if you do rounds, more of an issue if you’ve done proper shapes.  

Preheat oven to 350°

Bake for 18-20 minutes (or 12-15 if you want ooey gooey cookies) and get ready to wave that Canadian flag!! *A Canadian/Kentucky flag would be more appropriate, I suppose.